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heating and heating construction
What the new EWKG (Energy Transition and Climate Protection Act Schleswig-Holstein) means to you
GOS Segeberg explains how you can heat old buildings in the future

Already in December 2021 became the new EWKG (Energy Transition and Climate Protection Act Schleswig-Holstein) decided. In this, among other things, in the §9 one Obligation to use renewable energies fixed. That means everyone owner obliges t is, at Heating replacement or new heating in buildings the older than January 2009 are, at least 15% renewable energies (such as a heat pump of any kind) for heating.
Since November 18, 2022, the associated implementation regulation came into effect.
Since 11/18/2022 is the corresponding one implementation regulation for Schleswig Holstein came into effect.
In it is regulated, as with the Law in the state of Schleswig-Holstein should be dealt with. the 15% renewable energy contain both the use of a heat pump heating every kind, as well as the possibilities for further use one oil heating, one gas heating or one stove. Here it is also determined at which points you Exchange your heating apply for must and when obligation to use for her can be omitted.
We at Grewe GOS from Segeberg have us for you with the appropriate legal texts deals with you when replacing your heater optimal advice and you trusting side to be able to stand.
in the course this side we have for you more detailed information summarized. Feel free to read this page at your leisure Call just us once on and we advise you then at one meeting directly to you on site.
Can I still mine oil heating or gas heating exchange?
the short answer reads: Yes, you can use your old one oil heating or gas heating still have it exchanged.
To the 15% renewable energy to fulfill one can namely also from other techniques Make use. That's enough for example off if you have one with you wood stove have installed which one at least 90 days is operated in the year and at the same time at least 30% of your living space can heat. This you must your chimney sweeper through self-evidence to confirm.
But you can also do one solar thermal system block and these to water heating oder heating support (increased space requirements for large heating water buffer cylinders). Here must at least 5% of the roof area per square meter of living space with Solar thermal collector surface to be occupied. away 4 residential units also enough 4%.
In addition, you can gas heating or oil heating also with "Bio" gas or "Organic" oil from an appropriate one provider operate. here got to the one used fuel through admixture at least 15% renewable energy consist.
Also the use of built-in ventilation units mit heat recovery can meet the 15%.
which heat pump is it an issue for me?
behind the term heat pump hide various techniques, in which with the help of heat exchangers different media, how geothermal energy or Environmental heat (ambient air, exhaust air), deprived of energy and for heating is being used. The technique one heat pump heating is therefore comparable to that of a refrigerators.
whichheat pump for you is strong of the circumstances at yours building dependent. One Water water-Heat pump as well as one brine water-Heat pump is particularly efficient, but often requires expensive ones deep drilling or well drilling to the needed energy to the ground to withdraw. One Air Water-Heat pump drains the energy of ambient air. Therefor needed however, accordingly Place and because of the slight noise development and des high air flow a certain distance to the building as well as to the neighboring buildings. However, the Air Water heatpump only lower flow temperatures, why they themselves mainly in combination withunderfloor heating has proven. Above all in the old building a heat pump is enough often not off to on too especially cold winter days that mostly insufficiently insulated to heat buildings.
What alternatives are there to heat pump?
One of the most frequently mentioned alternatives to a pureheat pump heating is probably one hybrid heating. Here the heat pump with a second type of heating combined.
A another alternative is, for example, the installation of a pellet heating for the Heating with wood. Also the combination one oil heating or gas heating with a wood fireplace, solar thermal system on the roof or with built-in ventilation units with heat recovery is possible.
If at your place in the street district heating network exists, so you can too connect to this. With that then the duty to meet the 15% to the district heatingprovider ceded.
Also the mission from "Bio" gas or "Organic" oil in agas heating or oil heating is possible. You must use a purchase contract or one invoice of the corresponding "Organic" provider prove that the gas or oil you buy from your supplier is through admixture out at least 15% renewable energies.
What does hybrid heating mean?
from one hybrid heating do you speak when more than one Heating system can be used for heating. Most hybrid heaters consist of one heat pump (Air-to-water, brine-to-water, water-to-water heat pumps) in combination with a gas heating or one oil heating, which is reflected in correspondingly higher costs. the Oil-orgas heating mainly comes into play here Capturing the peak load in the winter for use when it's outside particularly cold will and the heat pump den heating demand of the building cannot cover. Above all in the old building this is often the case, as here mostly not sufficiently insulated is. To the energy demand and the heating costs So you should permanently lower it in advance over a Energy renovation ponder. Feel free to contact us about this.
In which case does it not apply obligation to use?
That too Omission of obligation to use will in the implementation regulation defined in more detail. in the legal text only says that:
"[...]The obligation according to paragraph 1 does not apply if its fulfillment and the implementation of substitute measures according to paragraphs 5 to 8
1. contradicts other public-law obligations,
2. is technically or structurally impossible in individual cases or
3. if their fulfillment and the implementation of substitute measures in individual cases would lead to unreasonable hardship due to special circumstances through disproportionate effort or in any other way. [...]"
In the regulation is also described accordingly that the obligation to use especially then omitted if:
"[...] 1. A profitability calculation by an energy consultant who is listed in the energy efficiency expert database of the German Energy Agency GmbH at www.energie-efficiency-experten.de shows that amortization is the cheapest technically feasible option to fulfill § 9 paragraph 1 sentence 1 EWKG is only possible after more than 20 years, or
2. the building owner is demonstrably unable, due to his or her personal or operational situation, to finance the cheapest technically feasible option to fulfill Section 9 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 EWKG. [...]"
in the plain text does that mean that the obligation to use for her can be omitted, if the new heater (hybrid heating, heat pump, Connectiondistrict heating network, etc.) via a period of 20 years operation their own expense not save can or you the cheapest heating with 15% renewable energy not afford can or these not funded would get.
Which heater should I have installed now?
There are many possibilities, in the present time not only comfortable, but also more environmentally friendly to heat. Which of them for your building come into question, can generally difficult answer there many factors into the appropriate one Selection of heating technology play along.
Around Them this question though at best to be able to answer, advise we from GOS heating-plumbing Segeberg You prefer to go directly to one Appointment at your place. Here we can circumstances record and with you questions for the Heating behavior, hot water demand and similar clear up. Through this let's make sure that your new heater not only that latest regulations and laws corresponds, but also more environmentally friendly running and you living comfort not neglected.
Just give us a call and make an appointment with us.